If Basil essential oil isn’t in your life yet, it’s invaluable! Get cha some!
For less than a penny a serving, it’s a staple in the Marshall home.
*Note: When figuring how much you’re getting for the price, divide the cost by 300 for 15mL and 100 for 5mL.*

What Clinical Studies Have Shown
When distilling the Basil leaf, it has been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Just to be clear, I’m not aiming to heal, treat, or cure a dang thing. I’m just sharing what the ole scientists have reported. K? K. 😉
They have also found that it demonstrated strong bactericidal action against microorganisms.
Basil strengthens circulatory, muscular, skeletal, immune, and respiratory systems. YAY for that goodness!
Who Can Use It?
- Epileptics should not use Basil.
- Those with high blood pressure should talk to their doc first before using it.
- Don’t use if you’re pregnant.
- No internal use for children under 6.
How to Dilute It
Dilute 1 drop Basil to 4 drops V-6 or other carrier before applying to skin or taking internally.
You can ingest the Young Living oil because it’s pesticide free, synthetic free, and fragrance free!
No harmful junk.
Can you find any other oil brand to say this?
I searched for 9 long months and could only find YL!

Not a New Remedy
According to Life Science Publishing, Basil goes waaaay back.
“Used extensively in traditional Asian Indian medicine, Basil’s name is derived from “basileum,” the Greek name for king. In the 16th century, the powdered leaves were inhaled to treat migraines and chest infections. The Hindu people put basil sprigs on the chests of the dead to protect them from evil spirits. Italian women wore basil to attract possible suitors. It was listed in Hildegard’s Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179).“
Blends that have Basil In Them:
Want more Basil in your life?
Trying to avoid it because you’re one of those peeps listed above who shouldn’t use it?
It’s also in the following oil blends:
- Aroma Siez
- Clarity
- M-Grain
Let’s get down to it!
Pin this or dig out your special oily notebook and add these for future use!
1.) Growing pains! Dilute and apply right to the sore shins or knees (that’s where our boys hurt the most) or wherever it’s needed.
2.) Use as a part of the Raindrop Technique (included in Kitty and dog Raindrop as well!)
3.) Add to shampoo or conditioner for extra shine.
4.) Add a drop or two to the bath to help wind down at the end of a stressful day.
5) Three drops Basil + 1 dropper of CBD Base for sore muscles.
6.) Add a drop to marinades or pasta sauces for amazing flavor!
7.) Get more basil oil in your diet when enjoying one of our Slique Shakes.
8.) Dilute and apply to brainstem area when dealing with confusion.
9.) Put one drop neat into the palm of your hand, cup hands, bring to nose, and breathe in deeply when needing to refocus and concentrate.
10.) Dilute and apply to brainstem area and breathe in deeply when walking through emotional shock.
11.) Enjoy the benefits of Basil when taking ICP (Intestinal Fiber Cleanse).
12.) Add a drop to your minestrone soup.
13.) Dilute and use daily either topically or internally for bone and joint support.
14.) Add alongside MindWise in your 2 oz of NingXia Red each day to support a healthy memory.
15.) I can dilute and either use with a cold compress on my joints affected by bursitis or take it internally to help. What a thing to be grateful for!
16.) Dilute and put on any ligament sprains or tears this house of athletes may suffer! I can take 15 drops of Aroma Siez (has Basil in it) and add it to 5 drops Lemongrass and apply 3-6 times per day.
17.) Add to veggie capsule for heartburn (it always strikes me right before bed–ugh!): 8 drops Sage, 3 drops Sacred Sandalwood, 2 drops Basil, 1 drop Palo Santo. You can use any single or mix of these oils you have.
18.) Dizziness! While I’ll need to figure out the root cause of any time I’m experiencing dizziness, I’ll grab the Basil and put a single drop under my nose to feel better first.
19.) This one has been put to the test a few times in our house: Place 2 drops Basil on a small piece of cotton and place it in our ear when we have an earache. I’ll also dilute it and rub it around (but not in!) our ear. This is one of the most amazing things we’ve experienced with Basil. It’s our go-to.
20.) Likewise, we’ll do the same when we have ear infections. Of course, I also tag team it with taking Thieves in honey to help in the way it always does in our house–fighting that ick!
21.) Ever get ringing in your ear? So thankful we can take a drop of Basil and rub it along our ears, on temples, forehead, and the back of our neck whenever we need that annoying bit to stop it right now!
22.) Mental fatigue hits me around that middle-of-the-day slump! Breathing in a drop of Basil in my cupped hands perks me right up!
23.) Put a drop on corns and calluses 3 times a day. I can also use this mixture: 4 drops basil, 2 drops Myrrh, 2 drops Cypress, 1 drop Oregano, and 1 drop Hinoki. I’d apply this directly to the corn/calluses undiluted.
24.) I have used this multiple times for migraine, and it just flat out works! Massage Basil onto temples, base of the neck, center of the forehead, and at nostril openings. Massage on thumbs and big toes. Place warm compress with 1-2 drops of Basil on the back of my neck. I like M-Grain (has Basil in it) for this. I’ll also press a drop of Thieves to the roof of my mouth. If it’s sinus related, I’ll also rub Deep Relief along my sinuses.
25.) Okay, listen up new mamas (or older mamas like me, cause this never goes away!): Hemorrhoids. YASSS. Okay, here’s what you do: add 4 drops Basil, 1 drop Cistus, 1 drop Cypress, and 1 drop Helichrysum (or whatever mix of those oils you have on hand) and mix it into some Rose Ointment. You can dip a cotton round into this if you don’t have Rose Ointment, or just spread it on one if you do and place it where the sun don’t shine. If it stings a little, that’s okay. You’re not hurting yourself, promise. We both know those things are buggers. By the next application, you should be feeling some relief. I know I do!
26.) Menstrual cramps,anyone? Grab that Basil! Dilute and rub over your lower back and stomach. Kick it up a notch in the relief department when you add the Basil to a warm compress. Ahhhhh!
27.) Bruise from a kid running into you really hard? No? Just me? 🙂 Add some Basil to carrier and rub over the bruise a couple times a day.
28.) Charley Horse, muscle spasm, or cramps (ugh! Pregnancy attacked me on this front!). Grab some Sulferzyme and add a drop of Basil and chug, girl! Or, if you don’t much love the taste of a pizzeria in your delicious Sulferzyme, you can have your Basil on the side in a veggie capsule. 🙂
29.) In this computer-driven life, Carpal Tunnel can run rampant. I love that I can dilute Basil and massage this into where it hurts most.
30.) Okay, I know this is super “ew,” but I’ve had to use this before. Parasites (which are way more common than I realized!). Take 3 drops in milk or in a capsule twice a day for 7 nights before bed. Rest 7 nights. Do this three times/cycles. I experienced a huge difference.
31.) Poison Ivy/Sumac/Oak. How do my boys always find this stuff? I have gotten rid of it more than once using just oils. Put 4-6 drops Basil and 4-6 drops Peppermint diluted on the affected areas twice a day. You can also add it to a cold compress to help any swelling.
32.) Dilute and use on spine for good spine support and health. I have a disc issue. I love that I can put Basil right on the area when it hurts. Especially when I just seem to have nagging lower back pain. Same for my neck and sciatica (hello, pregnancy!)
If you use this link, you’ll be connected to me personally.
My goals are all about taking care of you. I hope to achieve the following:
- Help you feel comfortable and confident in using Young Living in your home
- Consistently give you lots of ways to use the oils
- Make sure you understand how to get the most from Young Living
- Help to make Young Living a staple in your home saving you tons of $$!
- Be there for you whenever you need support
What your connection to me includes:
- Weekly texts. These short texts come with a picture of a way to either improve your health or use your products. These save nicely in a photo album or can be printed off easily. This is my YL number, so you can also text back questions!
- Monthly laminated recipe cards for ordering customers. Some members punch a hole in one side and make a little booklet as these come in. Some of my customers like to put them alphabetically into a photo album.
- Monthly newsletters. Rather than telling you about sales or promos, I dig into research and write about ways to invest in your health each month. I also write down exact uses and dilution to each of our promotional items in case your order qualifies for these. If not, you still get great info. that you can add to your photo album/booklet.
- Facebook groups. I can grant you access to 6. You may join one, six, or anything in between. One of these includes tens of thousands of testimonials for pretty much anything you can think of. The rest are educational/questions/updates.
- Instagram. I teach Young Living and share my writing and some recipes on here. I’ll add you to my personal Instagram, so we can really get to know each other instead of just staying that weird girl in your life who’s all about oils. 🙂
- My oily friends/connections. We’re such a team here! When you jump into those Facebook groups, everyone is so happy to help answer your questions. You’ll be a healthy home pro in no time!