How I wish I’d been taught to be an oily family when I was making my home from the start!
Now that I’ve got it, I love to share it with others.
In this article, I’m going to share with you what it’s really like to live this lifestyle.
Come on in!
Welcome to our home!
Wake Up!
Good morning!
To flush our bodies of toxins we’ll encounter out in the world, we use Lemon oil.
Lemon essential oil from Young Living doesn’t have the acidic wear and tear on your teeth that the flesh of a lemon would.
I don’t know about you, but we just don’t drink enough water if we aren’t super intentional about it.
So, we fill up our water bottles first thing (we’ve been loving these bottles!) and put a drop or two of Lemon oil in there to help boost our immune system and help us drink more water.
In the Kitchen
We start our morning in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast.
What I love about Thieves Dish Soap is how concentrated it is. We get lots of bottles from one!
It also knocks out grease like an old pro.
With two boys and a dog, killing germs and cleaning dirty hands is important.
Being able to split this one soap into four is even better.
I just grabbed these foaming hand soap bottles from Amazon, poured a fourth of the concentrate in, and filled the rest with water.
Want to guess how many cleaners we had in our house before Young Living?
After clearing out the old and replacing the new I later found 14 bottles in the basement, so…
No telling what we were doing with all those cleaners!
Thieves Household Cleaner one does it all.
*NOTE: This is highly concentrated. There are 29 bottles of cleaner in one.
You can read more about it in 50 Top Ways to Use Thieves Household Cleaner.

We need the house to smell nice, these homeschooled little nuggets need to focus, and mama needs some chill.
So, we diffuse…all day long!
We had lots to choose from, but Desert Mist is my fave because it’ll diffuse 12 hours.
I’ll put Purification blend in the boys rooms because boys stink and Purification fixes that.
I’ll add something cozy in my room like Orange and Idaho Grand Fir to boost immunity and purify the air, and then some GeneYus from the KidScents line in the homeschool room for the boys.
Isn’t the Desert Mist so pretty?!

Shower/Get Ready
Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve got going on in the bathrooms fully transferred over to Young Living.
Zero synthetics. No pesticides. Absolutely no filler or fragrance!
How’s that for hormonal strength?!
This is for Mama, Daddy, and boys:
- Deodorant
- Bath/Shower Gel
- Oral Care
- Makeup & Remover
- Shaving Oil
- Haircare
- Beard oil
- Perfume
- Hormone support
- Skincare
- Anti-aging
- Maximum Strength Acne Treatment
It’s crazy to think about all of these in the toxic form that looked so harmless before going into our bloodstream.
It’s such a relief to know everything we’re using is truly safe.
The drug mindset is to use a specific medicine or whatever it is forever (i.e. if I take a vitamin C tablet today, I’m locked in for life).
We’ve adopted the supplement mindset with Young Living.
We take what we need when our bodies need it, and don’t stress when we don’t.
That’s why we use our Subscribe and Save orders to add to our arsenal of health; now it’s there when we need it.
How do I know when to take them?
It tells me on the side of the bottle.
As I’m writing this it’s during the pandemic and it’s winter.
So we’re using Super Vitamin D and other immune boosters from Young Living right now!
I’ve long given up on being on top of laundry, but I do feel great about what I use on our clothes!
First of all, Thieves Laundry Detergent dilutes out like crazy, which you can read about here.
That saves us lots each month!
Then, we use this laundry freshener or these safe fabric softeners to make life easy.
It’s crazy how our air quality changed when we got rid of old detergents and softeners!

Heading Out with the Family
I’ll pack Young Living Einkhorn granola, water bottles, Young Living sunscreen, Young Living bug spray, and Young Living after sun to make sure we’re ready to go.
Of course we’ve always got those must-haves with kids, like this first aid spray, Owie blend, and lots of bandaids because…kids.
This is just a small sampling of the over-the-counters Young Living provides to make our life easier.
We also really rely on the Full Spectrum CBD!
Dinner, Unwinding, and Bedtime
We’ve got our lineup of Vitality oils (those we can ingest) for cooking.
To unwind, the boys’ rooms will get their diffusers refilled with their nighttime oils.
What’s really cool is that since their rooms were diffusing immune boosting and air purifying oils all day, they’re settling down into a an amazing space for optimal sleep.
Of course I keep my standbys in the hall for anything night time can bring:
- PanAway for when we’ve got growing pains
- SleepyIze when it’s tough to fall asleep
- Seedlings Linen Spray to prep pillows for easy rest
- Thieves Chest Rub in case I hear the start of a cough in the night
- Peace & Calming for night time wind down in their diffusers and backs of their necks.

Easy as Pie
Remember getting your first place?
Running out to grab all of your basics?
This time you get to do it right and save tons of money in the process.
We took advantage of the Subscribe and Save option to save a ton and budget best, and boy does it work! You can read all about it here.
If you’re ready to get rolling and can see this lifestyle fitting right into your very own, this is your next step!
If you need a one-on-one conversation, I’d absolutely love to hear from you! Let’s connect by emailing me at