It took two years, but there we were: Covid.
Losing our smell and taste (how we got it back fast!), headache, achy joints.
All of it.
Spoiler: We each experienced symptoms for only 1 and a half days.
The following is, I believe, why.

Not too much changed for us when we learned about Covid in November of 2019.
We still ate whole, organic foods that I prepared for us. We very rarely eat outside the home.
Young Living toxin-free products kept our bodies from pesticide, synthetic, and fragrance burden.
We’d been antibiotic and prescription free for almost 4 years when the world locked down in March of 2020.
I trust that our pregame health measures were huge in getting us through Covid easily.
Where I Went Wrong
The busyness of Christmas along with family deaths meant I took my eye off the ball for a few weeks.
I wasn’t giving anyone Thieves and honey as preventative.
We weren’t making sure we put Lemon oil in our water all day to flush out any ickiness.
I wasn’t filling diffusers each day.
And on top of it all, we were eating more sugar than usual, lowering our immune systems.

Caught it From the Kids
Both boys complained of achyness in their lower back (in the same spot).
Our functional medicine doc said their immune function needed some boosting. After a day-and-a-half of supplementing, they were back to normal.
To be fair, they never really slowed down…kids!
They had no other symptoms except one morning each of a mild headache and some smelling issues.
Knowing they were low on immune function, I did go back to adding in our preventatives and our detox/flushing.
Then a few days later, like a ton of bricks, it hit me: the headache.

Taking Action
These are powerful tools every home should add to their wellness arsenal as soon as possible.
Building up and Knocking Out
- Inner Defense: Every 3 hours when symptoms were at their worst. 3 times per day the second and third days. How we ever lived without Inner Defense is beyond me. It. Just. Works.
- Geranium + Lemon oils: We always have these on hand. I like Geranium for my skin and hair. Lemon is amazing for so many things, (read more here) outside of kicking this “big bad” illness. I put one drop of each on my spine, undiluted, every hour while I had symptoms.

Flushing Out the Bad
- Quality water + Lemon oil + AminoWise: Lemon oil in water (no plastic!) for flushing out the gunk. AminoWise for the zinc, branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals. It also supported my sore muscles, and produced nitric oxide, which can improve vascular blood flow. I drank this in 32 ounces of water as much as I could.

- Deep Relief + M-Grain: For the sinus pressure and headache during Covid, I applied these as often as I felt pain or pressure. They were my only relief along with an ice pack.
- Peppermint + Lime: My fever never got out of control (shaky/painful). I embraced it and thanked God for something else that would allow me to beat this quickly. I was prepared to bring my fever down if needed. Add one drop of each to 4 drops of carrier oil (any fatty oil like olive, almond, coconut, etc). You can apply to the spine. I’ll also apply without carrier to the bottoms of my feet until it comes down to a comfortable level. You can read more about our experience with fever since toxin-free here.

Kick the Covid Cough!
- Thieves Chest Rub + Cedarwood: Covid was the first cough that’s gotten me in a while. I typically fight it off with Peppermint and Cedarwood as soon as I sniffle. However, I coughed more than I had in years with this one. These two are always on our shelves just in case. I’m so glad I had them in our health arsenal for when I needed them most.
- Thieves Cough Drops: When it was socially acceptable to go back into the world, I needed my cough drops. While I’d kicked it mostly, a tickle would make me look like patient zero while with family and friends. Thieves Cough Drops are an investment I’m always glad we’ve made. They work so well without the synthetics and immune suppressors you find in even “natural” store drops.

Food as Medicine
- Organic foods/fruits and veggies: I know; this one is obvious. I focused on what I could keep down that first day when nothing looked good to eat. Mostly I had apples and carrots. I had one slice of homemade bread and felt like I’d had an entire meal. It’s always my belief that quality food is medicine, and this was no exception.
- Zero Sugar for a solid week or more: Sugar weakens our immune system like crazy. The sad fact is, it’s in so many of the “get better” junk on the shelves. It’s why I refuse to take any cold medicine, cough syrup, cough drops, electrolyte drink, etc. They simply make matters worse. I’ll stick to my Young Living pesticide-free, synthetic-free stuff that works, thank you!
Three Key Players
- DetoxZyme, Super Vitamin D, Super C: DetoxZyme-The name says it all. There’s a toxin in my body or I wouldn’t feel like garbage. Out with the bad, in with the good! Super Vitamin D-I’m sure you’ve read about how helpful this is for all illness. It’s especially been in the news since Covid really hit in March 2020. Finally Super C– because vitamin C is great! However, it’s harmful if you’re taking the in-store junk with synthetics, added sugar, or sugar substitutes.

Building Your Wellness Arsenal
What if you’re new to all this and it feels overwhelming?
This is simply ditching synthetics and switching to a healthy version.
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Concentrated formulas means we’re saving or spending the same as the toxic stuff from the store!
With the sharp increase in our health, it just makes the most sense for us all around.
Thinking of going toxin-free?
Tell me what your biggest questions or fears are below!
*We are not claiming to heal, treat, or cure anything. We are not doctors. This is what worked for our entire family. It’s simply a testimonial to how we’ve used these products. Now we live a simpler, healthier, and stronger life.