Young Living Will be Your New BFF
Young Living is a 25 year company, who has over 600 toxin-free and pesticide-free products.
These products will change your life in ten major ways, leaving you feeling like you’ve just met your new best friend.

1. Stress
Stress comes in many shapes and sizes.
It can easily ruin a day, week, month, or year.
But it doesn’t have to.
Pop a roller fitment on top of your Stress Away bottle from the Premium Starter Kit, and you’ll find yourself melting into a calmer version of yourself.
It’s science, of course!

Simply put, smell goes to the spot where emotions are handled in your brain.
Certain smells (like the Lime, Vanilla, and Lavender in Stress Away), tell your brain, “chill out, friend…you got this.”
2. Cleaning
Okay…no one likes to clean, so why make it complicated with a bunch of cleaners all over your house that don’t even disinfect?
Hard pass!
Grab your ONE bottle that does it ALL: Thieves Household Cleaner!
Read here for FIFTY ways I use this bottle of magic.
3. Digestion
You’ve just had lunch with some friends and your stomach isn’t happy with your choices.
The meeting you’re in ran much later than you thought and your stomach is trying to attack you for ignoring it for so long…and getting louder by the minute!
“Mama, Daddy! My tummy hurts!”
Such an easy solution: DiGize from the Premium Starter Kit or the KidScents version, TummyGize.
To knock down the DiGize-y smell, carry a rollerbottle with 10 drops DiGize, 5 drops Peppermint (also in the starter kit), and fill the rest with carrier oil.
Make life much simpler when you pop a roller fitment on top of the TummyGize and keep it in the kids’ bathroom!
Your tummy will soothe faster than you’ve ever experienced, and you’ll feel much better!
4. Immunity
Our old life before Young Living was just a crapshoot.
My goodness. We just sat around waiting for when we might get sick again.
Such a silly way to live!
Now, we have preventative and active measures to get us through whatever illness might come along.
We have been successful in using oils like Thieves from the Premium Starter Kit, ImmuPower, and Inner Defense to kick the sick without gut-harming, liver-harming, brain-harming over-the-counters and prescriptions!
In fact, our family hasn’t had one of those in the house for years!
Even better: our over-the-counter medicine cabinet expired!
5. Energy
No, not the fake, from a can or pouch, synthetic, on-the-run type energy.
We’re talking real, from the inside, “I feel better because I am better” energy.
Adopting the Young Living lifestyle means you’re kicking out the fake fragrances and synthetic dyes and ingredients that bog you down.
Add in our NingXia Red antioxidant drink with a drop of brain, focus, and energy-boosting Peppermint (all in the Premium Starter Kit), and you’re on your way!
I’m a girl in love with her coffee (especially with a drop of immune-boosting Cinnamon Bark oil in it!), but we know coffee is only a temporary fix.
What we really need is ongoing energy, so we can snuggle up around that cup of joe but not become dependent upon him. That’s just not a healthy relationship, Joe. No offense. 🙂
6. Skin
Toxins, especially those floating around in every other product other than Young Living, are a huge reason for premature aging!
Drink water (especially with a drop of Lemon from the Premium Starter Kit!) to boost your skin’s cell turnover, and fill your Essential Rewards order with the ART line of premier skin care or the beloved Orange Blossom line that’s sure to be amazing for even the most sensitive skin.
And speaking of sensitive skin…I was told I had it.
My body was simply rejecting the synthetics in all the products I was using before Young Living.
Post Young Living: not an irritation in sight.
One of the best things about sharing Young Living are the skin testimonials.
Especially my friends who have such powerful stories of ridding their kids’ eczema and other rashes and skin conditions. WOO!
7. Sleep
Guess what interrupts sleep?
You guessed it: toxins.
Synthetic fragrance (AKA fake hormones) mess with your body’s ability to regulate so many of the factors it takes to not only fall asleep and stay asleep but also to have good, quality rest!
Along with the toxin-free lifestyle and oils like Lavender, Cedarwood, and supplements like SleepEssence, Young Living also offers you the safest CBD isolate on the planet. No chemicals. No pesticides. Lots of good, quality, sleep!
BONUS: great sleep=more energy!!
You can learn more about CBD here.
8. Focus
Before Young Living I didn’t even realize how foggy my brain was!
Adding brain-health support like MindWise, NingXia Red, and ridding our family of the bioaccumulation from fluoride that harmed our brains with our Thieves oral care, I now feel more clear-minded that I ever have before!
Click here to learn how the Thieves Oral Care line saved my mouth!
9. Mental Health
We shout it from the rooftops to normalize mental health in mainstream media, but what no one seems to realize is that this is only half the problem.
We need real tools to save our mental and emotional health, and we need it now!
The toxin-free lifestyle is the biggest relief you can offer anyone with anxiety, depression, or any other mental and emotional health issues.
From there, you can tap back into that science I was talking about before and do things like the Memory Release technique (click here to read about it) and just simply breathing in certain oils that reroute your brain to literally think and feel better.
This is what we strive for in prescriptions, but our perfect, pesticide-free oils have zero side effects.
It’s been amazing to hear the testimonials of people who have used oil blends like Release, and our CBD oils to regain control of their mental and emotional health.
10. Whole Family Love
Last but certainly not least, Young Living’s 25 years of experience has something for every single person in your family.
From everything I mentioned above to our Seedlings line for babies, KidScents line for littles, AnimalScents for our fur babies, and even serious nutritional support for every age, Young Living offers you a lifestyle like no one else.
The best part is that with the Essential Rewards program, we find we’ve saved thousands every year we’ve taken advantage of this new lifestyle.
We are forever grateful to Young Living for Gary’s vision of Purpose over Profit.
Get Started in the Young Living Lifestyle
Click here to see how to get started.
Once you’ve followed the instructions here, I’ll send you your very own Essential Oils Reference Guide to make life as a new oiler simple.
You’ll also be added to our exclusive community called Life+Oils where you get private coaching, online teaching, and support from like-minded people with lots of testimonials to pull from every day!
Choosing the right person to walk you through this is important to your success. I’d love to be that for you!