Oil Cleansing is EASY
Oil cleansing is a wonderful way to take off your makeup and clean your skin gently.
First, you’ll need an oil that suits your skin.
I use this organic hempseed oil because I’ve been struggling with acne for about 15 years. This is the only oil that doesn’t clog my pores.
Put a quarter-size amount of oil in your hand.
Add Young Living essential oil drops to the oil already in your hand.
I like to use 1 drop of this Lemon, 2 drops of this Frankincense, 1 drop of this Tea Tree, and 2 drops of this Roman Chamomile to help my skin’s particular needs.
Rub your hands together to mix and massage onto your face in small circles starting from the center and moving your way outward.
Run a washcloth under water as hot as you can stand it, and lay it over your face.
I hold this over my face for a little while or until I’m out of breath (haha) and then slowly pull it away from my face.
Use the washcloth to gently wipe away oil.
Oil Cleansing is AMAZING for Your Face
I still build in time to cleanse with my favorite Orange Blossom face wash.
I also exfoliate every few days with the most wonderfully gentle Satin Mint Scrub.
This has been such a beautiful process making my face finally feel smooth.
The combination of this and my Young Living oils (learn more HERE) has helped do some serious healing for my acne scars!
Also a Great Moisturizer!
I cannot get over the ART Light Moisturizer, and I prefer putting that under my Savvy Minerals makeup in the morning because of how light and wonderful it is.
However, at night I take a few drops of hempseed oil and add in the oils I’ve used like Frankincense, Lavender, and Roman Chamomile with great success for cell turnover resulting in brighter, healthier skin.
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I hope this blesses you like it has me!