Can I really do this?
Should I homeschool?
Here are three simple ways to help you decide.
1.) Pray About it
When I was feeling an inward nudge to homeschool, I pushed it away.
How I wish I would’ve prayed from the start!
Once I finally dug into fervent prayer, so many things happened to let me know this was for me.
I really love this video from Rick Warren about discerning the voice of God.
2.) Take your home life into consideration.
It only takes a few hours out of your day to homeschool.
Both working parents and stay-at-home parents do it successfully.
Small homes and large homes both hold school beautifully.
The questions you need to ask are:
- Would this add to an already upturned life causing strife?
- Would it settle your family into a more relaxed and enjoyable life?
3.) Do I have trusted resources?
- A good Facebook page, like ours here in Ohio is super helpful.
It provides information on how to notify your state, how to advance grade levels, and other groups to join in your area.
It’s also a place to connect and ask questions, which can be wonderful, especially when you’re just getting your feet wet.
- I just started an Instagram account @homeschoolforhigher if you’d like to follow our family’s journey, have read alouds for your kids, mini-lessons, and more free resources.
- Curriculum can seem overwhelming, but it can actually be quite simple.
Our family likes The Good and the Beautiful best, but you could choose any you’d like.
Choosing one curriculum to start if you’re feeling overwhelmed can make things easier, too.
If you’re ready to dig deeper, try this book site.
I can’t express enough how important these three are in preparation for homeschool.
Can I pray for you in any specific way in your homeschool journey?
What did you find was most helpful in the beginning?
If you’re just getting started, what do you feel like you still need to know?
Let’s chat in the comments below! I’d love to hear all about your homeschooling, wherever you are in the process!