First iTovi Scanner Experience: Skeptical
The first time I saw the iTovi Scanner, I wasn’t so sure about it.
The scan came up for Thieves (among other oils and products leaning toward immune support), which if you’re not familiar with Young Living Essential Oils, is a blend that we use in our home when we’re sick.
I didn’t feel sick at all.
How could this little hand-held device tell me what oils and oil-infused supplements I needed?
I walked out of my friend’s house thinking this iTovi thing was ridiculous.
The next day, however I came down with one of the worst sicknesses I’d ever had.
All of a sudden, this girl was a believer.
If Only
Had I just taken Thieves, diffused it, and put it on topically that night every hour, there’s a chance I could’ve either avoided the sickness that took me down or at least lessened it.
This is why we love our iTovi scanner and have had one for the last year or so now.
iTovi Technology
You can read all about how iTovi works here.
The short version is that it measures the electrical conductivity of your skin to pair you with oils and oil-infused products that will bring your body back to balance.
This galvanic skin response technology isn’t new, but how iTovi is using it is brilliant and super helpful!
Scan Example
The following is a recent scan I did.
You’ll see how amazingly helpful this tool really is.

The first thing you’ll see are your top 7 oils. You can see my top 4 here.
These are the top 7 oils and supplements that I can use to bring my body back to balance.
If you want to dig a little deeper, you can click the “emotions” or “body systems” pages.

This part of the scan report is fascinating to me.
Each time I scan, I can either understand why I feel this way, or I am able to take some time to reflect on the past few days and think about what I might be holding onto that I need to release.
This is huge.
Mental health is screaming to be looked at, normalized, and in serious need of real tools that will help.
You can learn more about an emotional release technique I use here.
Body Systems

When I got this report it made total sense.
I knew exactly how I’d been feeling and was hoping for answers and for the scan to help me.
It absolutely did.
It’s amazing what happens when you follow the top oils and dig down into your report to see what oils you have in your arsenal to make your family feel their best.
Using the Scanner
It’s super simple to use.
We scan every 3-4 days, and jot down a quick list for each of us to keep in the kitchen.
It’s amazing to see the patterns forming which really help us unfold the underlying truths behind our health and wellness.
We will use these oils and oil-infused products three or four times per day.
We’ll use the Vita Flex charts and Buttoning to enhance the performance of each product we’re using.

Get Your Own Scanner
Click here to get your own iTovi scanner.
You’ll be so glad you did!
Need the ONLY Pesticide-Free Oils?
Click here for help.
This link will also be extremely helpful in starting the journey.
Need step-by-step directions? Click here.
Once you get started (I suggest the Premium Starter Kit with 10 hour Desert Mist diffuser), I’ll send you an Essential Oils Reference Guide to make your new journey super simple!