Essential Oil Key Info: Before You Buy
With essential oil companies popping up all over the place, there are a few things you should know first.
1. The 26 Second Rule
Anything on your skin is in your bloodstream within 26 seconds.
Yes, this means it alters your DNA.
2. The 5% Law
One more thing before we get into the nitty gritty here.
The law only requires FIVE PERCENT of what is in an essential oils bottle to be actual oil from the plant.
This five percent bottle can be called “pure” and “therapeutic.”
Keep reading to find out what the other 95% is.
3. Organic Confusion
As consumers we generally see organic as safest, but that is hardly the case when it comes to essential oils.
The 5% law means that the “organic” oils you see on the shelf are packed full of synthetics and fragrance for highest profit.
Your body, very real and non-synthetic cannot handle fragrance or fake stuff, so every little cell in your body freaks out. Not good.
4. Pesticides Matter
Both inorganic and organic pesticides are still just that: pesticide.
And you do NOT want pesticides in your bloodstream.
There is only one company who never sprays their plants, and that’s Young Living.
Want proof?
You’re welcome on any farm, anywhere in the world, any day of the week.
5. Other Factors
I could go on forever about how Young Living is the only first distillation, zero pesticide, zero synthetics, and zero fragrance company and why all that matters.
However, it really comes down to pesticides.
They’re a big factor when it comes to the crazy-huge rise in disease, and it has to be stopped.
6. One-Stop Shop
Young Living has over 600 lifestyle products all bearing the Seed-to-Seal promise.
Zero junk. 100% oil in every single bottle–whether that’s chapstick, body wash, deodorant, CBD or anything in-between.
7. Your Vote Matters
When you buy from Young Living only for every cleaning, personal care, and supplement need, you’re saying to the rest of the world, “This is our demand. Real, body-helping products. Or you don’t see a dime.”
8. Less Expensive than In-Store
Young Living is less expensive despite the sticker shock much like when you’re at Costco or Sams for the first time seeing how much bulk costs.
Young Living is simply buying in bulk.
Because of this, I can get 29 household cleaners for $22.
300 times I’ve rid of fever for $21.
Not too shabby considering the store comes nowhere near these prices.

9. Start Today
The way Young Living works is simple:
- Choose your wholesale kit (priced $35 and up–click HERE)
- Choose Essential Rewards for max benefit (read more about it here)
- Click “accept” when I add you to our education group and become a part of our tribe. We learn together–you’re never alone. It’s amazing!
- Accept the free reference guide app I send to you, so you know what to use when making the start of this journey SO EASY!
10. Questions?
Email me anytime at andrea@graceblossoms.com.
I would so love to chat oils and healthy living with you.
Our family has been toxin-free for three-and-a-half years as I write this in February of 2020.
All in an effort to stop disease in its tracks, feel better, and keep our six-year-old from relapsing (childhood cancer).
I teach Young Living because I have researched like crazy and cannot find anything else that matches Young Living’s purity, cost, and efficacy.
I look forward to meeting you and learning more about your needs!