Paul E. Miller’s A Praying Life has been one of my all-time favorite reads.
In this post, I’ll dig into what makes it so special.
Part 1: Learning to Pray Like a Child
Had I read this years ago, I may have rolled my eyes at this section.
However, now that I watch my boys trust in Jesus in such a pure way, this section hit me like a ton of bricks.
It goes into how we talk to our Father, how to be helpless (my least favorite and therefore very important for me to read).
It also talks about crying to God and how all this can help us bend our hearts more toward Him.
I struggle with this, friends.
After reading this section, I felt such an immediate closeness with God like never before. It was so encouraging I just couldn’t put this book down after it!
Part 2: Learning to Trust Again
It’s like this hit on all my weaknesses.
I have such trust issues, but never thought I’d been off on how I trust God.
I mean…He’s God.
How would I not trust Him?
I saw the tiny hidden cynic inside me during this section, and it’s changed how I view things forever.
Part 3: Learning to Ask Your Father
How I struggle with this!
What’s okay to ask?
What’s not?
These chapters cover what we can do, especially with these extravagant promises like asking and receiving that Jesus says again and again.
This also covers surrender.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned during some of my toughest seasons, it’s that surrender is key. I learned so much in this section, too.
Part 4: Living in Your Father’s Story
This part was fascinating.
I knew this life was God’s story. HIStory.
However, was I watching for it?
I couldn’t.
I was too wrapped up in being self-sufficient and watching my own story unfold.
As I’d read a little before bed, I’d go to sleep praying and thinking on how God’s story is different than mine.
It was overwhelming.
Part 5: Praying in Real Life
I can be such a black-and-white thinker. Very vertical in thought.
So this section of application was the one I was longing for, and it definitely did not disappoint!
There are specific prayer tools and free resources for us to dig into.
He even gives us many of his own examples redacting some of the more private parts, yet still opening up enough to show us how he does it.
Final Thoughts on A Praying Life
My favorite part of it all was how he tied his personal stories and his reliance on scripture into the book.
He shows how he and Jill (his wife) have been utterly dependent on God throughout their marriage and through raising children.
This was not only part of the draw of the book but also super encouraging to me in my own life right now.
I highly suggest Paul E. Miller’s A Praying Life.