Need a solid routine for sun care without harming your bodies in the process?Read more
The sun is not my friend, so I’m always armed with the safest sunscreens.
(If you haven’t gotten your toxin-free kit that makes DIYs like this one super easy at 24% discount, click here: Young Living Starter Kit )
This means it must be either DIY (from all natural ingredients) or from Young Living.
They’re the only company I can find who doesn’t spray their plants with pesticides or add anything synthetic into their formulas.
If I’m going for the safest sunscreens, why waste money on overpriced harmful things pretending to be safe?
It’s Young Living or DIY for this family all the way.
There’s nothing worse than trying to put a tough-to-apply sunscreen on a two-year-old at the beach. I’m looking for something smooth, not runny, but also something that isn’t going to flake. My favorite is a creamy texture.
I need to be able to carry this in my bag or even purse for anytime we find ourselves in the sun.
For there to be enough in the bottle so I won’t have to make a trip to the store right as my boys are geared up for a fun day.
I also need the container to be helpful when I’m applying sunscreen on our two eager-to-play boys.
Three seasons of the year we live outside, and applying sunscreen to two adults and two children–plus reapplying–can get expensive quickly. We went through so many bottles of sunscreen it was crazy, but felt stuck spending the money because we couldn’t stop using sunscreen. Then to make matters worse, we switched to the more expensive non-toxic versions. It’s tough to find something truly safe that costs less than $10/bottle and comes with enough to last the family for a while.
We love Young Living Mineral Sunscreen Lotion, for the sun , or this DIY recipe. The two batches in one jar has lasted us all summer–even through a 10 day vacation in Florida!
1/2 C Coconut Oil
1/4 C Beeswax
2TBS Shea Butter
30 drops lemongrass essential oil
15 drops lavender oil
1 tsp Vitamin E oil (this one is soy and wheat FREE)
2 TBS Zinc Oxide Powder
Melt coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter. Add vitamin E, zinc oxide and essential oils. Mix together and let it sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Whip for approximately 8 minutes. Transfer to a sealable container and use in place of 35-40 SPF sunscreen. Water resistant.
Because I doubled this recipe, I found I needed not only something bigger but something more durable to carry it in.
We are on-the-go, and I have to use something that can fall and take a hit, be carried by little hands, and can hold all we need for the entire summer.
We use a container like this and have had great luck!
I am so thankful I found this recipe.
It lasts, I can see the water bead up on the boys when they spray each other with the hose (daily occurrence around here!), and it’s made with ingredients I can trust.
We can never be too careful with our skin, and we always need to do everything we can to protect our childrens’.
This has been a wonderful take-along for our summer adventures, and I hope it can be that for you, too.
These are the two very safest sunscreens out there!