Why I chose Young Living went like this.
As a slap to the face, a new and ugly truth stung me to the core.
I’d been greenwashed.
I chose everything so carefully.
All the white, clean, fresh, natural bottles.
And they had all been big fat lies.
Mama on a Mission
There’s something you should know about me as we become friends here.
I’m not your average mama.
I, Andrea Dawn Marshall, am a childhood cancer warrior mother.
I’ve seen things no parent should ever see.
And I don’t play games when it comes to my kids’ health.
So you can imagine the anger that bubbled up inside when I began peeling back the onion of toxic junk in our home I had thought was so safe.
Even more so the war path I set out upon when I learned 90-95% of all cancers are toxin-caused.
And the all out battle plan I drew up when I learned my brand new baby’s cancer was one of the 95%.
Nine Months of Research
No one.
I couldn’t find anyone who wouldn’t spray their plant-based products with pesticides.
Who refused synthetics.
I stood alone in a store aisle with the weight of fighting off relapse with tears streaming down my face.
Then I remembered.
My friend used YL oils.
What if they were different than these other oils full of junk and pesticides?

About a Year Later
The friend who helped me get the best oils on the planet heard I’d walked away from teaching to come home to my boys.
She asked if I’d like to tell people about Young Living however I felt most comfortable.
I’d get a huge part of our home’s needs covered financially.
Cleaning, personal care, over-the-counters, natural remedies, makeup, kid care, and dog care.
All covered when I helped other families become healthy, too.
About a year-and-a-half later I was more than covering this part of our budget.
After taking away a large chunk of our financial stability, this felt amazing.
Even better, we were healthier and paying almost no co-pays anymore.
We saw other families changing and becoming healthier.
I fell in love with this company and their mission bigger than I ever thought possible.

Getting to a Farm
I couldn’t believe it!
I’d made it to the Mona farm in Utah.
I got to see the distillation, the growing, the baby plants, the fields.
And I can’t wait to see more all over the world!
This is me taking the picture and my friend, Laurie, who helped me get started is in the purple shirt.
That trip changed how I viewed not just YL but every company I shop with.
If they could create what they do without pesticides or synthetics or fragrance, so could everyone else.
They became my new standard.
I saw with my own two eyes, deep in the heart of those beautiful mountains, on a gorgeous day in Utah what I was sharing here on my blog and in person with the people I care about most.
And it felt good.

Nerd Alert: I Love the Distillation Process!
Laugh it up, friends.
I’m nerdy for distillation!
It is, in a word, fascinating!

I learned more about how our founder studied ancient distillation practices as I breathed in the lavender being distilled that day.
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but…
The whole farm smelled like Fruity Pebbles, and everyone was at max chill.
Lines like crazy. Hours of waiting. And yet…total…calm.

I was in awe of the huge drums, the oil I could smell and see being made, the steam coming up through the grates.
There were no words.
I just kept walking, eyes wide, taking in all of the careful process.
All too clear was the reason why I could never go back to the way I used to do life.
They’re the first company I’d ever seen actually care about my family’s health.
This was a big deal after all we’d been through.
Our Family’s Blessing

A Fresh Start
Wonder what it looks like to live this lifestyle?
Here’s a day in the life of an oily family for you to see if it would be a good fit for you!
Heard enough and ready to get started? This page can help you get rolling.
No matter where you are or what you need I’m here for you, friend.
I stand behind this company because they have helped us so so big.
Email me any time at andrea@graceblossoms.com. I’d love to get to know you and help your family feel as good as we do!