What’s a Book Trail?
I got the idea of a book trail from my friend years ago, and it’s been a hit ever since!
A book trail is a line of books going from your child’s bedroom leading them to the tree Christmas morning.
Why do One?
Building your home’s library is key to your child’s education.
The journal Research in Social Stratification and Mobility stated that, “Growing up in a home with 500 books would propel a child 3.2 years further in education, on average, than would growing up in a similar home with few or no books.”
The excitement of Christmas morning puts books in a fun light.
Where reading can quickly grow to be a chore with the frustration that can tag along with homework and learning to read, these books are special and chosen especially for your child.
What Books Should You Get?
Books of high interest.
Too often when I taught, I had sad conversations with my 8th graders’ parents about how they once loved reading but lost it somehow.
Then they’d tell me that not only did their child hate reading, but he also refused to read books at “his level.”
Let’s look at these Christmas books a little differently.
These tree trail picks are the fun books.
The who cares what “level” I’m at choices.
They’ll get there, friend, but first we have to draw them in.
Open their eyes to the wonderful world they can find between the pages of a book that speaks to them.
In fact, I’d even argue we can nudge your child toward his or her “level” while keeping interest high!
Where to Get Good Quality Books
We like Usborne books because they’re easy to browse for the kinds of books we like.
Our boys are really into adventure, dogs, and inventing right now, and Usborne has it all!
I especially love this for the tree’s trail of books because I can find SO MANY for around $5 that have been super popular with our kids!
You can click here to go directly to their site.
Final Thoughts
I’d love to hear all about how the trail goes for your family if you choose to do one this year!
What books have your children loved?