What diffuser blends for the new year are you most excited about using in your home?
Before digging in, this is a must-read about quality and safety when choosing oils!
Snuggle Up Diffuser Blend
It’s super chilly out there!
This blend would be amazing in your diffuser curled up with a good book.
Northern Lights Black Spruce is amazing for those winter blues. It’s been known to release emotional blocks and helping you support feelings of balance and grounding.
That makes this a special one to diffuse while you’re walking through difficult times.
Peppermint is fantastic for mental focus and for stimulating our brains, which we can use when the dreary days won’t seem to go away. There’s also a brightness to it that is super uplifting in our home on days like that.
Rosemary is fantastic for mental clarity and focus, too.
This is such a cozy yet clean blend that would be great for those work-from-home days.

My Year! Diffuser Blend
I love the feeling of a brand new year.
It’s a time when all things are possible and lends itself to making joyful plans with what we’ll do with this trip around the sun.
In this blend, you’ll find a bright and joyful set of oils that will boost your health in the new year.
Ylang Ylang is amazing for fighting off anger, boosting self esteem, and filters out that negative energy that can hinder our plans for the new year.
Tangerine is one we use for happiness, calming, and helping with anxious feelings or nervousness.
Cedarwood is one we use for calming and purifying. A great one to use in the new year to knock out any old yucky feelings and usher in joy!

Fresh Start Diffuser Blend
If there’s any time to clean out the house and start fresh it’s January 1st!
This blend will help purify, kick synthetic fragrance, and boost your family’s health.
Lemongrass promotes mental awareness and purifies. It’s got a crisp smell to it, too!
Lime strengthens the immune and respiratory systems. That’s super helpful in the new year since we’re always fighting off one bug or another during germ season.
Purification blend disinfects the air and neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke, and any funky odors you’ve got going on in the house.
Spearmint is another oil that opens and releases emotional blocks and brings about a feeling of balance and lasting sense of well-being.
If this kinds of emotional support talk from essential oils is new to you, it would be helpful to look up what the oils do in your limbic system.
There’s some seriously amazing science going on with your emotions at the cellular level.
You won’t regret looking into what you can do for your emotional and mental health.

Do You Have Pesticide and Synthetic Free Oils?
How do you know if they’re both?
Your oil company will have to prove that they don’t spray their plants with any chemicals.
They’ll also have to show you that they don’t add anything synthetic.
Gas chromatography doesn’t show this.
Labels certainly don’t show this.
You’ve got to ask the company yourself.
The only one I’ve been able to find is Young Living.
You can see your options and all Young Living offers here.