Month 3: Essential Rewards
(If you’re seeing this post and haven’t gotten your toxin-free, nonGMO kit yet, click here: Young Living Starter Kit ) This is your very exciting third month in Essential Rewards!
Month 3 Essential Rewards Order
- Laundry Detergent (actually 3 laundry detergents)
- Aromabright Toothpaste (This toothbrush is recommended by our holistic dentist)
- Fresh Essence Mouthwash ( Keep extra in a jar like this)
- Thieves Dental Floss
- NonGMO Orange Vitality
- Thieves Mints
- Lavender Lip Balm
- Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier (3 pk)
The Math
You get $10.01 back in points. You now have $30.16 in points to spend however you’d like.
Another free promotional gift.
Between last month and this month, you’ll have gotten over $60 worth of product back between points and freebies!
Real Life Living
Okay…grab the trash can again!
Once your second order comes in, you’ll throw away the following toxic items in your home:
- Laundry Detergent
- Fabric Softener
- Any laundry boosters
- Stain sticks
- Toothpaste
- Mouthwash
- Floss
- Teeth whiteners
- Mints and Gum
- Lip Balm/Chapstick
- Hand Sanitizers
For those of you who think you’d like to use up the last of your toxic product before starting in on this one because you’ve “already paid for it,” friends, you have already paid for it–dearly.
The minute you throw this out is the moment you get to stop paying for it. The trash (and more specifically, your hazardous materials center in town) is the best place for all of this.
Pro Tips
Oral Care
The Thieves Aromabright toothpaste can be used in small amounts because it works so well and you can save money this way.
We were always taught through commercials to slather our toothbrush (we get this one from our holistic dentist) in a huge swoosh of toothpaste. You can imagine this picture in your head, right?
Change your thinking for this toothpaste.
Instead of going the length of the toothbrush, go the width. Boop. Done.
Add one drop of nonGMO Orange Vitality oil to the top and “paint” your teeth, starting in the front-your smile then brush like normal.
Mouthwash Dilution:
Take an 8oz container like this one and add 2/3 of your mouthwash in it.
To the rest of what’s left in the original mouthwash bottle, add 2 drops Thieves, 2 drops Spearmint, and 1 drop Cinnamon to pack an even more powerful punch!
*If all you have right now is Thieves, that will work, too!
Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled (or we like reverse osmosis like this one) water, and shake!
Since this is so concentrated, put 2/3 of the soap into a sterilized mason jar. You’ll need a 32 oz mason jar like this one.
To the 1/3 you left in the detergent bottle, add 3 capfuls of the Thieves cleaner, 5 drops of Lemon essential oil, and fill the rest with water.
For HE washers, use 1/4 capful of your diluted soap.
Every other washer, use 1/2 capful.
*The capful is the cap on the Thieves laundry detergent.
A Great DIY This Month
Throw in 1/3 C of this fabric softener, so you can enjoy cozy clothes without the hormone-destroying softeners at the store!
Grab the Citrus Fresh bottle from your Premium Starter Kit and add a couple of drops to the detergent or to wool balls (like these) to freshen your laundry even more.
Remember that you’re going for no-smell here.
The Citrus Fresh is just going to “brighten” the smell not leave a lingering toxic smell like your old detergent and softener.
In fact, it is going to take a while before your clothes fabrics can shake off those toxins, so the more you use Citrus Fresh, the better.
Final Thoughts
Month three is full of things that have simplified our life.
8 products for 11 uses means that yet again, you’ve got a simpler life (and with dilution a less expensive life) than you did before with toxic in-store buying.
>>>>Click HERE to see Month 4<<<<