The bandaid effect is the opposite of healthy living.
Your kid falls down, but there’s no scrape or bump or bruise in sight.
They insist they need a bandaid.
It’ll make them feel better. They just know it, Mama.
So you hand them their favorite character bandaid, kiss their boo boo, and magically they’re off running full speed.
We do this as adults, too.
Don’t believe me?
Take a look.
Everyday “Bandaids”
Ever find it frustrating that those cough drops and syrups don’t actually make your cough go away?
That your muscle cream doesn’t fix the strain?
When your sensitive toothpaste doesn’t stop the pain when you drink a cold glass of water?
That’s because the world around us is all marketing us toward the bandaid effect.
A fascade.
A temporary fix.

Root Causes
Raise your hand if you’ve asked a doctor what caused your illness just to hear they don’t know or there’s no known root cause.
We’ve been taught for generations to treat symptoms.
We now white knuckle this idea to the point of not knowing what else to do.
Most every time someone reaches out to me about an essential oil, they’re really asking for the bandaid effect.
“Can you recommend an oil for sleep? For acne? For reflux?”
Why are you facing these issues?
Stress? Trauma? Gut issues?
I’m definitely not a doctor, so where do we go from there?
Responsible for Self
We’ve (unfairly) pushed the responsibility of our health onto our doctors, then we’re frustrated when all they can give us bandaids.
It’s time to step up our responsibility and do the hard work.
What does it take to advocate for your health?
You’ve got to get a few of your ducks in a row.

1. Your Lifestyle Products
You can read more about it here, but everything on the shelves that’s made to look safe and healthy is greenwashed. This is a fancy word for “lie.”
They are hormone, immune, organ, and overall body-destroying. The cleaners, washes, makeup, lotions–you name it– are all a marketing scheme.
They sell you a lotion with chemicals that dry your skin. Guess what you need more of?
And those chemicals? It’s perfectly legal even though they’re harmful to your body.
So, we switched to Young Living.
Read here to find out why, after 9 months of research, our family can only land on YL and no one else.
2. Your Food
Pesticides are a bigger problem than we realize.
They’re taking the nutrition right out of the food we need to survive.
I agree that organic (or even better biodynamic) foods are more expensive, and that can make things difficult.
Esepcially on a tight budget.
But here’s the great news.
Young Living as a lifestyle is about $2,000 less expensive per year than traditional in-store shopping (read all about that here).
Looks like your organics budget just blew wide open, friend.
3. Digging Up Roots
You know how your body feels.
And you know its history best.
Find a doctor who’ll dig in alongside you and supplement instead of medicate you. You’ll be blown away by how much progress you’ll find.
It took far too long for me to find my doctor. Actually, my friend found him, and now I tell everyone about it!
Check out our doc’s mission statement:
Our mission is to restore optimum function to the body in order to help our patients experience life to its fullest. By removing stressors to the nervous system through chiropractic adjustments, nutrition supplementation, and neurofeedback, we aim to release the innate ability of the body to self-heal and thrive.
To put this into perspective, I fought cystic acne with meds and then finally with my own natural route (applying oils topically) for 17 years in total.
After changing up the type of doctor I saw, I’m almost completely clear-skinned only 8 months later.
And we did it all with zero drugs.
You Can Do This!
After hearing a woman in one of my oil classes say she’d have to ask her doctor if she could look into possible root problems, I knew I’d need to write this.
This is your body.
No one else’s.
You can live well because your body was fearfully and wonderfully made to be healthy!
Get Started with this New Healthy Lifestyle!
Your next step toward escaping the bandaid effect is right here.
It’ll walk you through each step and show you all of your options.
However, if you’re in need of some one-on-one conversation to help you through or to get some questions answered, email me any time!
I love to hear from my readers. to help your families live and feel like we do is a blessing.
I hope to talk with you soon!