Lavender Mint Shampoo
Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner is an invigorating daily moisture blend created to be suitable for all hair types.
(If you still need to get your 24% discount, click here: Young Living Starter Kit)
Here’s what we really think about it.
Using this conditioner, you need to be careful not to use too much.
I have so much hair that is very thick and tangles easily, so I was used to pouring tons into my hand so my old, toxin-filled junk would eventually do the trick.
Not with this conditioner!
After washing with my diluted version of Lavender Mint Shampoo, I only needed a pea-sized amount.
The first time I used it was a bit hilarious since I just figured it was like every other conditioner. I could’ve conditioned six heads of hair that day!
The reason why: concentration!
Just like so many Young Living products, you’re buying in bulk without the heavy containers.
I work it only through the bottom of my hair, staying away from my scalp (that will make my hair too oily), and I absolutely love the outcome!
My highlights look great. My hair feels soft. I can run a comb through it, which is miraculous with this mop!
The best part was that I used this super small bottle over the course of 7 months. That was unheard of with my 32 oz. bottle I used to buy in the store!
I have been so pleased with the results that I know I’ll never use another conditioner!
What Do Other People Think?
I help admin. a group on Facebook of now over 19,000 people {both members and non}, who weigh in on Young Living’s products every day, so I thought I’d include some of the thoughts I read there to help round out your view on this product.
- “…my conditioner lasted 6 months.”
- “When the conditioner gets low I add a little hot water from the shower so I get every last drop!!”
- “I let the conditioner sit for a min or 2. My hair feels thicker and my high lights look like i just had them done!”
- “Dilute the conditioner like a third to make it less thick and add like 15 drops of a oil you like like Ylang or lime or lavender.”
- “Cut down on the amount! I only use like a dime size amount. I rub the conditioner only on the ends.”
- “Get a shower brush and brush your hair while finishing.”
- “I used 1/3. Rest filled with water. I’m so in love with YL shampoo and conditioner and I’ll never go back.”
Final Thoughts
You get a lot of bang for your buck with this one, but be sure to only use a little bit!
I love this conditioner and will never go back to anything else!
To make it even better, I utilize a program called Essential Rewards where I get 25% of my purchases back in points to use on my next time shopping.
And if that wasn’t enough, I get 24% off products because I’m a wholesale member.

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I hope you found this useful in your search for a great conditioner!