Backpack Essentials 6 is all about the oils Young Living made just for our children!
Our family loves the pre-diluted KidScents oils!
Here’s a quick rundown of each of the oils for you!
(If you haven’t gotten your start to wellness and 24% discount, click here: Young Living Starter Kit)
GeneYus: GeneYusâ„¢ is an excellent blend to diffuse for young minds that are focusing and concentrating on projects.
We diffuse this one while the kids do homework!
TummyGize:TummyGizeâ„¢ is a relaxing, quieting blend that can be applied to little tummies.
It’s so great to have this lined up on their shelf. They can put one drop on their belly anytime they need some digestion support.
Owie: Apply Owie™ topically to improve the appearance of your child’s skin.
Two boys. Need I say more?Â
SniffleEase: SniffleEaseâ„¢ is a rejuvenating and refreshing blend formulated just for kids.
Sometimes you just need a little respiratory support, and this one is a family favorite around here, especially when the kids first wake up during the winter months!
SleepyIze: Diffuse SleepyIzeâ„¢ at bedtime for a peaceful aromatic environment.
NOTE: Because of its popularity, quantities are limited to one bottle per account per month.
This one is a part of my oldest’s bedtime routine. Two drops in my hand rubbed on his back as he tells me all about his day is just what he needs to get to sleep fast.Â
Explore the next part after Backpack Essentials 6 below!