Need a solid routine for sun care without harming your bodies in the process?
Here are the top three ways we take care of our crew while we’re out enjoying God’s beautiful world!
(If you haven’t gotten your toxin-free wellness kit yet, click here: Young Living Starter Kit)
1. Keep Cool
We all know staying hydrated is key, but did you know that most of the market’s rehydration products are junk?
Synthetic dyes, improper amounts of necessary nutrients, tons of sugar, and preservatives all make them terrible choices for your body after a long day in the hot sun.
Why overpay for something you can make simply at home on your own?
DIY option:
Try this DIY electrolyte drink (special thanks to one of my friends, Megan for this recipe she loves so much!):
1/2 C Orange Juice
1/4 C Fresh Lemon Juice
2 C Raw Coconut Water
2TBS Organic, raw honey or organic maple syrup (she says maple syrup is her favorite!)
1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink salt or Celtic Sea Salt (Himalayan is said to have 84 trace minerals)
Make sure you have something portable for keeping your cold drinks (and sunscreen!) chilly like this cooler.
Body Temperature
Cooling towels like this one are a must for those extra hot days. My husband loves them when he knows he’s got a long day on the ball field.
Finding cooling, UVA/UVB-protecting clothes can be extra helpful as well!
Good options for:
If you’re at the beach, and you’re looking for an umbrella, try to find one that blocks as many UV rays as possible, like this one. It’s always good to have a way to catch a break from the heat!
2. Protect Your Body
Eye Care
A vital part of sun care, protecting your eyes, is something you don’t want to overlook.
A good, solid pair of sunglasses is a must for keeping your eyes safe from damaging rays.
When you shop, look for polarized glasses that protect from both UVA and UVB light. Try a pair like these to help keep your peepers healthy.
Don’t forget that eye health starts from the inside out!
Drinking an ounce of Ningxia Red each day is also a wonderful way to support your eyes!
The dangers of most sunscreens have been proven through Hawaii’s recent signing of the ban on toxic versions, so how do we know who we can trust?
Best Options:
3.) DIY
Lip Care
Make sure to take good care of your lips when exposed to the sun. Avoid toxins that can cause additional harm.
Best Options:
1.) Young Living Lavender Lip Balm
2.) DIY Lip Balm
3. Restore + Repair
After you’ve spent time in the sun, you need to restore and repair your body, even if you didn’t get burned.
After Sun
Whether you’re easily burned or someone who soaks up the rays without any problems, you’ll find these helpful for soothing parched skin.
Best Options:
1.) Young Living Lava Derm After Sun
2.) DIY: Mix 10 drops Young Living Lavender essential oil with 1 tablespoon of aloe. This is such a wonderfully moisturizing and cooling combo!
Many people think that summer requires less lotion since the warm weather tends to bring lots of humidity with it, but I find that always keeping a good lotion routine leads to better skin year-round.
Best Options:
1.) Young Living Lavender Hand and Body Cream
2.) DIY Whipped Hand Lotion (My Favorite!)
You did a great job keeping everyone hydrated while you were out, but now comes the restorative hydration!
Here’s the DIY from my friend again!
Make lots, store it up in the fridge wherever you’re staying, and have fun trying different Young Living Vitality oils to make it even tastier!
1/2 C Orange Juice
1/4 C Fresh Lemon Juice
2 C Raw Coconut Water
2TBS Organic, raw honey or organic maple syrup (she says maple syrup is her favorite!)
1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink salt or Celtic Sea Salt (Himalayan is said to have 84 trace minerals)
Final Thoughts
The sun is powerful.
If we take great care of our bodies, time spent enjoying the outdoors becomes much more fun.
To get the worlds best essential oils in your home for living toxin free ASAP, click here to read our family’s testimonial and to read about your options moving forward.
Stay safe and have fun!
Andrea 🙂