What’s New this February?
Here’s your quick February overview, but please message with any questions at andrea@graceblossoms.com!
Have a joyful month and a happy Valentine’s Day!
Don’t Have a Young Living Wholesale Discount?
For as low at $35 you can get your first oils and forever discount with no pressure to spend ever.
Click HERE to learn about our Premium Starter Kit, HERE to learn about the Basic Starter Kit, and HERE to learn all about Essential Rewards that makes your life far less expensive and much safer than shopping in store.
Video of Promos
If you’d rather watch to learn about the February promos, here’s the overview!
I love Cedarwood for sleep and skin!
It’s so calming and can be used in so many DIYs for skincare.
Ylang Ylang + Patchouli
Ylang Ylang has that light floral smell that makes your home smell like spring has sprung.
Patchouli + Joy blend are amazing in the diffuser, so if you got the free Joy a couple of months ago, that will be a wonderful combo.
If you want an oil that makes your hair luminous and skin glow, Geranium is your friend!
Ylang Ylang and Geranium are also in our oil blend “Sensation,” which means you could totally make your own Lucy Libido roller with your freebies!
Need help dropping off to sleep?
Rutavala is your new best friend!
Its calming effect makes for a great addition to your bedtime routine, and the roller bottle gives it a convenience aspect you’ll love.
Seed-to-Seal Story Collection
This is a fantastic gift because it embodies what Young Living is all about.
Never sprayed plants. Nothing ever added. The safest oils on the planet.
Best of all, Tea Tree, Lavender, and Peppermint are the oils you’ll receive in this collection.
Tea Tree is amazing for all things skin.
Lavender is fantastic for skin as well, but in our home, my very fair skin is grateful for Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils every single summer.
Peppermint is one of the most complete oils and one we were told in training to always keep on your person along with Lemon.
Peppermint has calmed me in times of panic, cooled me off, and kept me focused and energized.
Enjoy the Lifestyle
The Young Living lifestyle is the way our family has turned our health over from desperate to well.
If you’re looking into the Young Living lifestyle, remember that most everything is concentrated, diluting out to make most of the 600+ products far less than your in-store cost.
The even better part is that on top of saving money, you’re also getting the safest oils and products available.
Click HERE to get started with your Premium Starter Kit and HERE to learn all about the Essential Rewards that saves our family thousands every year!