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Toxin-Free Mascara

Toxin-Free Mascara DIY


4tsp aloe vera gel

2tsp coconut oil

1 tsp cosmetic grade beeswax 

1-2 capsules of activated charcoal or cocoa (1/2 tsp)

2 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Lavender, and 1 drop Ylang Ylang essential oils

Clean and empty mascara tubes

1.) Melt coconut oil and beeswax in a double boiler (or in a glass over a saucepan).

2.) Add aloe vera gel and activated charcoal or cocoa (charcoal for black/cocoa for brown).

3.) Add essential oils. These will keep your lashes healthy, promote growth, and best of all, keep your mascara fresh!

4.) Pour into empty mascara tubes.

That’s it!

We must press on toward clean makeup like toxin-free mascara.

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, in reference to makeup, stated that, “…metals contained in them can cause skin local problems but also systemic effects after their absorption via the skin or ingestion. Even this, cosmetics companies are not obliged to report on this kind of impurities and so consumers have no way of knowing about their own risk.”

No way of knowing their own risk. 

Please know this: If you buy from a company that cannot put their money where there mouth is and let you see how and where they source their products, then you are at risk!

This includes those labeled “organic, crunchy, paraben-free,” etc.

They use advertising to create a false sense of security and then you’re left, “having no way of knowing about your own risk.”

This is why we only use Young Living products or create simple DIY products and infuse (superpower) them with Young Living oils.

(Get your nonGMO oils and oil-infused toxin-free products here: Young Living Starter Kit).

But Now What?

I’ll be going more in-depth with more makeup posts soon, but for now, let’s jump into mascara.

Thankfully, you have options for safe, dependable mascara.

Yes, even mascara that will promote lash growth and health!

Option 1

Of course my first option is always Young Living’s Savvy Minerals.

A mascara that works with sensitive eyes, Savvy Minerals Young Living Mascara is the Lavender-infused mascara that will support the health of your lashes while helping you achieve your goal of living a toxin-free lifestyle.

Start by curling your lashes to gently lift. After wiping excess mascara from the wand on the lip of the tube, position wand horizontally and wiggle from side to side, from base to tip. Let the first coat dry completely; repeat for a second coat, if desired.

Did you know…??

Young Living has a way to get 24% off all of their products without any requirements to sell or any weird fees that revolves around makeup?!?

It’s true!

The Savvy Minerals Starter Kit is only $150, and you get ALL of the following:

Then, once I see your name appear in my in-box, you are granted access to tons of resources like our wellness quiz, home makeover, a 30 day free Toxin-Free Challenge book, an essential oils intro e-course, our private Facebook groups with constant education and community, and more!

Option 2

Once you’ve gotten your Premium Starter Kit, and you’re ready to try your own DIY project, this recipe is for you!

**Each ingredient is a link to my favorite, toxin-free option for DIY!


4tsp aloe vera gel

2tsp coconut oil

1 tsp cosmetic grade beeswax 

1-2 capsules of activated charcoal or cocoa (1/2 tsp)

2 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Lavender, and 1 drop Ylang Ylang essential oils

Clean and empty mascara tubes

1.) Melt coconut oil and beeswax in a double boiler (or in a glass over a saucepan).

2.) Add aloe vera gel and activated charcoal or cocoa (charcoal for black/cocoa for brown).

3.) Add essential oils. These will keep your lashes healthy, promote growth, and best of all, keep your mascara fresh!

4.) Pour into empty mascara tubes.

That’s it!

When it comes to application, there are a couple of trade secrets. 

1.) Roll the mascara tube to mix the contents.

2.) Wipe the wand off first until there’s no “goop.” You know…goop.

3.) Wiggle the wand back and forth through your lashes as you work it upward. Let dry, and do a second coat the same way.

I love this recipe!

It not only smells wonderful, but it works great, too!

No spider eyes.

No raccoon eyes.

Healthy, toxin-free, and so quick and easy!

Final Thoughts

Whatever you choose, please make sure to look into each ingredient on first.

There are so many A’s or 1’s that, when opened up and dug into a bit, are full of cancer, immune, allergy, respiratory, etc. concerns.

The only products worth crossing the threshold of your home should have zero concerns!

You and your family are worth it!

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