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22 Printable Stickers

22 Printable Stickers to buy individually or together in a pack!

22 Printable Stickers


Gospel-Centered Printable Stickers

This pack of printable stickers was created with the heart of sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

With simple design and short phrases, my goal was to arm Christians with great conversation starters.

Hopefully this could begin a discipleship with a friend or stranger.

My prayer over each purchase in my Etsy store is for God’s steadfast love to spread like wildfire.

Place on notebooks, water bottles, computer cases, mini-fridges, folders, or wherever you can imagine.

The Gospel

Before the beginning of time, the holy Trinity knew that His creation would disobey. He knew this would separate us from Him.

In response, God promised Eve that He would send a Savior.

Throughout our history, we see God’s steadfast love. We witness his establishment of a broken people.

Giant Promises Fulfilled!

God’s responds big.  He came Himself in human form. 100% God and 100% fully man, Jesus Christ came and died on the cross taking on the sins of the whole world.

Three days later, over 500 people’s eyewitness proclaim Him living and breathing and eating and teaching. Though they watched Him die the most brutal death of the time, there He was.

Eventually He ascended bodily into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Not only because that’s His rightful seat, but because of what would happen next.

His Heart to Dwell with Us

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came. Those who believed this Gospel Truth, turned away from their sin, and trusted in Christ received the indwelling Spirit! And this death-to-life miracle continues to this very day.

Christ’s imputed righteousness to us allows our complete justification in the eyes of the Lord.

We’re set free!

All of this would be more than enough, but God wasn’t done yet.

His promise still stands today that one day Jesus will come back for His church, and we will live with Him forever in perfected, resurrected bodies in a new heaven and a new earth!


Armed and Ready with Printable Stickers!

You can purchase single stickers on my Etsy shop or get these as a whole pack.

Share them with friends and with those who you know need the best, most freeing News ever.

Looking for some good reads with a new believer?

Read this review of 5 great book that grow your spirit and mind.

I would absolutely love it if you shared in the comments any stories or send pictures of how you’ve used these to bless and love on our heavenly Father’s creation.

Lots of love sent your way, friends!


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